our ongoiong FUNDRAIsers

Mable's Labels is a Canadian based company that makes durable kid's labels, which are suitable for a wide variety of surfaces such as: Water bottles, clothing, soothers and so much more! They are a perfect for labelling all your child’s things when starting at Daycare!

With every purchase our daycare earns a commission that helps fund the wants and needs of the children in our care.

To order visit: https://mabelslabels.ca/en-CA and choose Slave Lake Childcare Society (Alberta)

Scholastic Canada is one of the country's leading publishers and distributors of children's books and educational materials in both official languages.

Legacy Childcare partners with Scholastic by handing out monthly flyers to every family. Families can look through the flyers and get deals of books and supplies.

With each order purchased, our daycare earns 20% in bonus bank rewards which we use to purchase new books and supplies for the children in our care.

To order visit https://bookclubs.scholastic.ca/s/cec-ca/en/digital-catalogues

and use our Class Code at Checkout : RC351845